Photos compliments of Jerry Roberts.
In the photos we have the infamous CWO Sam "Slick" Tidwell. Slick was responsible for a
major characteristics of the 390th Traveling Circus, that of being the best "material relocation specialists"
in Viet Nam. We were good at getting repair parts in countless ways the US Army never thought of.
We bartered, we tricked, we lied, and when necessary, we stole, I mean reassigned ownership.
Capps is with Slick in the right photo.

Major Ed Brophy (Fixit 6) was the first 390th TC Detachment Commander.
In the left photo, he is in Tin Lizzie with Sergeant Levone Weeks.
In the center photo he is flying.
In the right photo Major Brophy is on the left and John Barrick is on the right.
I don't know who is in the center.
Dave Labruzzi is on the left in the left photo and on the right in the center photo.
Dennis Obee is the other fellow. Al Bruss is captured on the right.
That is Dave Labruzzi in the left photo.
In the right photo, we have Dave, unknown, Joe Pasaye, and John Forstrom in the foreground.
I am not quite sure what Dave Labruzzi was doing in that barrel. |