Finthen Airfield Viet Nam Map
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[The Trip to Germany ]  [Germany N65-Oct65]  [Finthen Airfield]  {Azores/London 1965]  [Truck Accident]
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Finthen Finthen c  
Finthen Airfield where I was first a helicopter mechanic on UH-1s (Hueys) and CH34s.  I then became a Prop&Rotor man.  I worked on OV-1 Mohawks and O-6 Beavers (left).  Stan Favor was in the same class at Fort Eustis.

Finthen Finthen Finthen Finthen
Since almost all the Hueys were in Viet Nam (we had only one), the venerable CH34 was the mainstay.  We even had some CH37s.

Finthen Finthen    
The Piasecki H21 helicopter belonged to the Luftwaffe.  An interesting thing is that the German pilots were NCOs unlike the current "Officer only" policy of the US Military.

Finthen I started as a Huey repairman.  When Rick Townsend (on right) was getting ready to go back to the States, I was selected to be his understudy as a Prop & Rotor Repairman.  I backfilled Rick's training with a Army Extension University on Prop Repair.  I learned a lot about Propellers and Rotors from Rick as well as an appreciation of Scotch.  Leo Cruz is on the left.

Finthen Finthen Finthen  
"Ye Olde Prop & Rotor Shoppe" was not only where props and rotors were repaired.  We also painted signs and a variety of other sundry services to the maintenance operation.  In the right photo, Pete Peters is checking out our fine work.