Tuy Hoa Aug 66 Viet Nam Map
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The contrast of some of these pictures is high because I had to correct for the Ektachrome problem (purplish tint from fading colors).
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Tuy Hoa Having spent so much time practicing volley ball in Kontum, it was natural to challenge the 48th during the welcoming festivities after we finally got off the LST.  Needless to say, even our third string teams were victorious.
Tuy Hoa was life on the beach.
Tuy Hoa Tuy Hoa
Tuy Hoa
It is hard to dig foxholes in the sand so we dug up (stacked sandbags).

Tuy Hoa The famous Tin Lizzie.  Acquired from the 101st Airborne by Slick Tidwell in a classic Tidwell deal.  The original notched windshield for the mounted gun was replaced with a regular one and a top constructed from aluminum by the sheet metals guys was added.  A work light was added.  The red-white-blue paint job was why the MPs stopped Slick in Qui Nhon.

Tuy Hoa was life on the beach.
Tuy Hoa
Tuy Hoa Tuy Hoa  
John Petrovich left, Al Bruss right.  D Model in the air.

Tuy Hoa was life on the beach.
Tuy Hoa c
And sometimes we just goof off.